Sunday, February 27, 2011

Debate: half empty or half full?

I gave a talk in church today. It was on Missionary Work. Specifically Doctrine and Covenants Section 4. I was able to discuss a lot of personal experiences. I most definitely have grown since the last time I spoke. And that was the second semester of my freshman year? I think.

Aside for looking for employment, I've tried to keep myself occupied these days. I've been practicing French here and there, making a few mixes, scrapbooking, geocaching with Mayme but mostly reading. I'm reading Doctrine and Covenants, "This Boy's Life," attempting to start the Count of Monte Cristo, and a few hundred blogs. I'm trying to expand my creativity. Especially because it's been in hibernation for the last three years. I intended to take a photograph every day this year. One that would sum up my day, but these Winter days have been anything but interesting. So I'm trying to come up with a new project that I will stick too. Maybe take a picture of myself everyday? Make a box for all of my past and future moods. Kind of a time capsule but to myself. Maybe make a mixtape for every day until I leave. And not only that but an explanation of it? Sewing modest skirts? I don't know what to do with myself. I'm going insane.

There's a couple of series  I've watched religiously from beginning to end in the last month. Not to mention focusing on my friends' lives instead of my own. I've felt somewhat detached. I don't really have any friends here and it's just so hard. What's hard about it? Mostly that I have no one to connect with. I can't share my most inner thoughts or feelings, let alone act on them. Surprisingly enough, I'm okay.

So because I've felt somewhat lazy and unproductive, I have decided on a few things.

1. Write a letter every week. (A total of $21.32 assuming that postage doesn't go up in the next year.)
2. Sew at least one skirt.
3. Make all of my clothes fashionably modest.
4. Take Mayme out 3 times a week.

This could go really well, or terribly bad.